Woorabinda Aboriginal Shire Council - Community Safety Plan (2024) - Alcohol and Drugs Resident Survey

Thank you for your interest in this survey. Please note that the survey is now closed, and we are no longer collecting responses through this platform.
If you would still like to share your views, please contact Katherine Wiggins, Senior Engagement Lead, via email at: katherine@culturev8.com.au or by telephone on: 0459 857 013

NOTE: This survey is for Woorabinda residents only. If you are a stakeholder, please go to: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ZBYH6XZ

Thank you for participating in the Woorabinda Aboriginal Shire Council Community Safety Plan Community Engagement process. Your participation will contribute to the improved safety and perception of safety of all constituents in the Woorabinda Aboriginal Shire Council area.

The Woorabinda Aboriginal Shire Council Community Safety Plan (CSP) aims to outline how Council will seek to enhance perceptions of safety, reduce crime and build community resilience, and will inform Council’s future strategic planning. The CSP shall work in conjunction with other Government community safety planning and frameworks.

All personal information gathered via this survey will be de-identified and retained and used exclusively by Council to improve community safety in the Woorabinda Aboriginal Shire/ Township.

Please remember to press the "DONE" button at the bottom of the survey once complete to ensure it is submitted.

This survey will take around 5 mins to complete. By fully completing this survey and providing your contact details, you could WIN A PRIZE! Prize winners drawn after survey close 30 November 2024. Max 1 entry per person, per survey (5 total).
1.How old are you?
2.How do you identify (gender)?
3.How do you identify (ethnicity)?
4.Do you live in Woorabinda?
5.In which street in the Woorabinda Aboriginal Shire/Township do you live?
6.IF you would like to go in the draw to WIN A PRIZE for completing this survey, please provide your details so that we can contact you if you win:

7.phone number:
8.email/physical address:
9.Overall, how much of a problem do you think anti-social behaviour is in Woorabinda?
10.Over the past 12 months, would you say that levels of anti-social behaviour in Woorabinda have?
11.How effective do you feel the Woorabinda Alcohol Management Plan (AMP) (prohibition) has reduced alcohol and drug-related crime in Woorabinda?
12.How effective do you feel police enforcement of the Alcohol Management Plan has been in reducing drug and alcohol-related crime in Woorabinda?
13.Why did you start drinking Alcohol?
14.If you drink or used to drink Alcohol, at what age did you start drinking?
15.Do you think you have any harm or sickness from drinking alcohol? please briefly explain?
16.If you wanted to stop drinking alcohol, or help someone else stop, do you feel that you have access to services in Woorabinda that can help?
17.What programs and services do you think are important to reduce the demand for alcohol?
18.To what extent in Woorabinda do you feel that drugs are the cause of safety issues?
19.To what extent in Woorabinda do you feel that alcohol are the cause of safety issues?
20.What do you think are the biggest causes for Alcohol and drug use in Woorabinda?
21.What measures do you think could assist to reduce harm from Alcohol and Drugs in Woorabinda? (eg. services/restrictions etc)
22.Do you know anyone who has moved from Woorabinda because of alcohol restrictions?
23.Have you, or someone that you know, ever been convicted of a crime relating to bringing alcohol into Woorabinda?
24.What would a successful future alcohol management strategy for Woorabinda look like to you? (Select as many answers as you agree with)
25.Do sufficient drug and alcohol support services presently exist in Woorabinda to manage changes to the Alcohol Management Plan?
26.If alcohol was available in Woorabinda, what support would you like to see to help people to drink alcohol responsibly?
27.Would you attend a community meeting explaining the future of alcohol management in Woorabinda?
28.If you were to attend counselling for substance use, would you feel more comfortable to engage if the counsellor was Indigenous?
29.Are there any further comments you would like to make in regards to Alcohol in Woorabinda?