Question Title

1. In general, I am satisfied with services provided by the Lexington County
Sheriff’s Department

Question Title

2. Overall, Jay Koon is performing his duties as the Sheriff of Lexington County

Question Title

3. I am fearful about crime in my neighborhood

Question Title

4. I am fearful about crime in Lexington County

Question Title

5. The law enforcement presence in my neighborhood is appropriate for the need

Question Title

6. Traffic enforcement*** in Lexington County meets the needs of the community

Question Title

7. The Lexington County Sheriff’s Department is providing appropriate community education and outreach programs

Question Title

8. The Lexington County Sheriff’s Department responds to emergency calls in a timely manner

Question Title

9. Lexington County Sheriff’s deputies treat people fairly

Question Title

10. Telephone calls to the Lexington County Sheriff’s Department are handled in a professional and courteous manner

Question Title

11. The Lexington County Sheriff’s Department solicits and welcomes community input

Question Title

12. The Lexington County Sheriff’s Department has a good public image

Question Title

13. I am informed about crime problems in my community

Question Title

14. What is your perception of the crime rate in Lexington County over the last year?

Question Title

15. Please check the following crime / quality of life issues that concern you the most or you consider to be a problem in Lexington County. (You can check more than one)

Question Title

16. In the past 2 years, have you been the victim of a crime where the Lexington County Sheriff's Department was the responding agency?

Question Title

17. Does your neighborhood have a crime watch group?

Question Title

18. In the past 2 years, have you been stopped by the Lexington County Sheriff's Department for a traffic violation?

Question Title

19. Please indicate how often you get your local news from each of the following sources

  Every day Several times a week Only occasionally Never Don’t Know
WIS TV (NBC) on TV or online
WLTX TV (CBS) on TV or online
WOLO TV (ABC) on TV or online
WACH TV (FOX) on TV or online
Lexington County Chronicle
Lexington Ledger
The State Newspaper
LCSD Facebook
LCSD Twitter
LCSD Instagram
LCSD Website

Question Title

20. Please list any internet sites you frequently go to for your local news

Question Title

21. Please list any other sources that you frequently receive news or information about the Lexington County Sheriff’s Department

Question Title

22. What is your gender?

Question Title

23. What is your age?

Question Title

24. Please list any improvements or changes you think can be made to the Lexington County Sheriff’s Department or discuss any concerns you have about crime in Lexington County

*** The Lexington County Sheriff's Department enforces all applicable state laws; however, the South Carolina Highway Patrol, by statute (SC 23-6-30, SC 23-6-100), is chiefly responsible for traffic enforcement and related laws within the State.