2023 ACH Development Webinar Series with The Rippel Foundation
Thank you for joining the webinar series with The Rippel Foundation. Your feedback is important to us!
1.First and Last Name (Optional)
2.Name of ACH(Required.)
3.Overall, how useful was the ACH Development webinar series for the work of your ACH?(Required.)
Extremely useful
Very useful
Moderately useful
Somewhat useful
Not at all useful
4.Please rate how useful each webinar was to you:(Required.)
Extremely useful
Very useful
Moderately useful
Slightly useful
Not at all useful
07.24.23 Strengthening Shared Stewardship (Slides)
09.26.23 Highly Effective Teams (Slides)
10.23.23 Understanding Systems and Building Interdependence (Slides)
11.13.23 Resident Engagement (Slides)
5.What content is sticking with you the most from the webinars? How are you applying what you've learned from the webinars in your ACH?(Required.)
6.How committed are you to deepening your stewardship practice in the next year?(Required.)
Extremely committed
Somewhat committed
Not at all committed
7.To what extent did you find the following ACH development TA design elements useful?(Required.)
Extremely useful
Somewhat useful
Not at all useful
Post webinar key takeaways documents
Break out groups
Polls and open dialogue
Shared resources and tools
8.What can we do to improve this series or similar offerings in the future? (Related to content, design, and/ or facilitation)(Required.)
Demographic Information (Optional)
9.Are you:
10.How would you describe your ethnicity?
11.How would you describe your race? (Select all that apply)
Thank you for completing the survey. Please click DONE to submit your responses.