
In 2021, we approached the City of Niagara Falls approached to develop a solution to increase safety and access for pedestrians and cyclists to Main Street and the Niagara Gorge. Currently, along Main Street, the lack of traffic control divides and pedestrian accommodations contribute to an unsafe environment for cyclists and pedestrians. An underlying issue in this area is that between 2017 and 2021 (NYSDOT), seven pedestrians and cyclists were struck by vehicles, each resulting in injury.

City of Niagara Falls leadership identified potential sites along this corridor, and we have determined that the corner of Main Street, Chasm Avenue and Monteagle Street will be the perfect location for this pilot project. By the summer of 2022, we expect to have implemented a design that takes into account the surrounding community’s input on traffic speed, access and safety.

Question Title

* 1. Check any that apply to your relationship to Main/Chasm/Monteagle: