Use this form to indicate an interest in checking out the education kits the Youth Education and Outreach Program through the Washington Department of Natural Resources has available across the state. We will follow up with you over email to set up a pick up!
You can also email us at

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* 1. What is your name (first & last)?

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* 2. What is the best email to use to contact you?

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* 3. Where would you like to pick up the kit?

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* 4. When would you like to check out the kit?


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* 5. When do you anticipate returning the kit?


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* 6. Which of the following best describes where you work?

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* 7. For what type of event will you use these materials?

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* 8. What is the primary age of the participants for the programming these materials will support?

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* 9. Approximately how many people will participate in the programming these materials will support?

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* 10. What is the primary goal of the program? What do you or the event organizers want the participants to get out of the experience?

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* 11. Would you like additional supports of ideas on how to use the kit?