2023 Blue Crab Recreational Effort and Recommendations Survey

Please help us improve the blue crab fishery in South Carolina by taking this short survey. 

The South Carolina Department of Natural Resources is seeking input from recreational crabbers and the public regarding the blue crab fishery along our coast, and we value your input.

This survey is strictly confidential and all data collected will be used for research purposes only. The survey should take approximately five minutes to complete.
1.How many years have you been recreationally crabbing in South Carolina?
2.Have you purchased a commercial crabbing license to use over 2 pots for recreational purposes?
3.If so, how many traps do you use for recreational purposes with your commercial license?
4.Would you still purchase a commercial license if the recreational license allowed you to fish up to ten traps?
5.In past year, July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023, approximately how many days did you attempt to catch blue crabs in South Carolina?
6.In what coastal South Carolina counties did you go crabbing during the past year, July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023?  Please check all that apply.
7.How would you consider the number of crabs per trap you caught in the past year?
8.How satisfied are you with the current blue crab fishery in South Carolina?
9.How do you feel the blue crab population has changed over your crabbing career?
10.How supportive would you be to reduce the total number of commercial crabbing licenses sold?
11.How supportive would you be to reduce the total number of commercial traps per harvester, including peeler traps?
12.How supportive would you be of seasonal protection of female crabs when the population is low?
13.How supportive would you be of a short (two weeks) "all traps out" period to allow for the removal of abandoned traps?
14.If the state implemented a short (two weeks) 'all traps out' period to allow for the removal of abandoned traps, in which month(s) would you prefer the closure happen?
15.How supportive would you be of a recreational creel limit for blue crabs?
16.How supportive would you be of a recreational license endorsement to allow for more than 2 recreational traps?
17.How supportive would you be of closing certain areas to crabbing if the population crashes?
18.Do you have any suggestions for improving South Carolina’s management of blue crabs?