
This questionnaire is for Creative Industries organisations. It is designed to gather information and ideas to inform the development of the Music Market, a collaborative hub for the music sector located at the Collingwood Arts Precinct.

Please note that all information will be treated in the strictest confidence, will not be attributable to any organisation or individual by name, and will only be used for the purposes of this study.

We would be very grateful if you could take a few minutes to complete this questionnaire by Tuesday 23rd October 2018.

If you have any questions regarding this survey, please do not hesitate to contact Positive Solutions on 07 3891 3872 or at info@positive-solutions.com.au.

Thank you for your time.


Please note that if required, this survey can be completed over several sessions, saving the responses you have completed via the following method:

1. Anytime you hit the 'Next' button on the bottom of the page you will save your responses for that page. Closing the window or hitting 'Exit this Survey' does NOT save responses on the current page. Only the 'Next' button saves your responses.

2. Once you have closed the window or hit 'Exit this Survey', you can return to the survey at any time by using the link that was sent to you originally via email. Your saved responses will be present in the survey.

3. Once you have completed the survey, hit the 'Done' button on the final page, and your survey will be recorded as complete.

4. You must have cookies enabled on your computer for this process to work.
