Byron Shire Council operates the OSHC service at Mullumbimby Public School. Due to the impact of the floods, the service has been operating from St John's Catholic School since March 2022. This service incudes after school care and vacation care. The service does not include before school care.

We would like your feedback on this service and how it can best meet your needs. We traditionally have lower attendance rates at the Mullumbimby service and would like to understand why and if there is anything we can do to better serve our community. We have not made any decisions about how the service will operate in the future. 

Byron Shire Council is seeking your feedback about the type of OSHC services your family needs.  

Thank you for your input.

Question Title

* 1. Use of the service - After School Care

  Yes No
I use/intend to use After School Care more than 3 days a week
I use or intend to use After School Care less than 3 days a week
I use or intend to use After School Care casually 
I do not use or intend to use After School Care

Question Title

* 2. Daily usage - After School Care (select the number of children you would enroll on each day)

  0 1 2 3 4

Question Title

* 3. Use of the service - Vacation Care

  Yes No
I use or intend to use Vacation Care every school holiday period (eg Easter, June/July, September, Christmas)
I use or intend to use Vacation Care some school holiday periods
I do not use and do not intend to use Vacation Care

Question Title

* 4. Daily usage - Vacation Care (select the number of children you would enroll on each day)

  0 1 2 3 4

Question Title

* 5. Use of the service - establishment of Before School Care

  Yes No
I would use Before School Care more than 3 days a week if a service established
I would use Before School Care less than 3 days a week if a service established
I would casually use Before School Care if a service was established

Question Title

* 6. Daily usage - Before School Care (select the number of children you would enroll on each day)

  0 1 2 3 4

Question Title

* 7. Use of the service - location

  Yes No
I am/would be interested in using OSHC service located at St John's Catholic School Mullumbimby
I would be comfortable with my child/children traveling on the public school bus to access the service at St John's Catholic School Mullumbimby
I would accept paying a $1.50 fee/trip for my child to travel on the bus

Question Title

* 8. Your details - "I am a parent of a child at..."

Question Title

* 9. Your details... "My child is in..."

Question Title

* 10. Any other feedback?

Question Title

* 11. Please provide your contact details if you would like a response.  Thanks