As a service to our local businesses, we’d like to know what products or services come to your mind when you think of various business categories. The survey is totally anonymous, so there’s no need for your personal information. It’s quick, easy and we think you’ll find it interesting.   
The survey is ten questions that just need you to name of the product or business that comes to mind when you think of the product or business category. If no product or business comes to mind right away, that’s ok too, just write “none” or N/A. The entire survey should take no more than three minutes.
Thank you for your participation! Click "Ok" to begin.

Question Title

* 1. What is the first toothpaste that comes to mind? (if none, write “N/A”)

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* 2. What is the first fast food restaurant in the area that comes to mind? (if none, write “N/A”)

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* 3. If you needed fuel for your vehicle, where would you go to fill up? (if none, write “N/A”)

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* 4. If you needed to buy a used vehicle, where is the first place you would look? (if none, write “N/A”)

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* 5. If you needed to talk with an insurance agent, what insurance company or agent comes to mind? (if nothing comes to mind, write “N/A”)

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* 6. If you needed to repair or replace a heating or air conditioning unit, what company would you call? (if nothing comes to mind, write “N/A”)

Question Title

* 7. If you needed to find a retirement community for you or a loved one, what retirement facility comes to mind? (if none, write “N/A”)

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* 8. If you needed a plumber, who would comes to mind first? (if none, write “N/A”)

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* 9. If you wanted to not cook and visit a local restaurant, who do you think of first? (if none, write “N/A”)

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* 10. If you were having back or spinal pain, what chiropractor would you call? (if none, write “N/A”)