10% of survey complete.
The City of Monroe has contracted with New Moon Visions Place Branding and Marketing to guide the City’s branding efforts and develop an updated and contemporary community brand, related creative elements, a marketing strategy and an implementation plan. The overarching goal of the Branding Strategy is to have a unifying message that will contribute to generating tangible increases in community pride, in-migration, commercial activity, economic and community development, tourism and broader awareness of the City’s desirability.

The results of this survey are confidential and will only be used as input into the development of a Place Branding Strategy for the City of Monroe. Please answer the following questions based on your personal experience as a resident or time spent as a visitor. If you have never been to Monroe, please answer the following questions based on your perception of the City.

Question Title

1. Which of the following best describes you? (Please check all that apply)

Question Title

2. What is your zipcode?

Question Title

3. How often do you come to The City of Monroe?