"Individuals of limited means" shall include individuals with income at or below 200% of the federal poverty level; or any individual who has been approved by a court for in forma pauperis status; or any individual who has been referred to the attorney by an established charitable, tax exempt not-for-profit provider of legal services to low-income or otherwise disadvantaged persons; or any individual who has been referred to the attorney by a bar association-operated pro bono program serving low-income or otherwise disadvantaged persons.
A "reduced fee" shall not exceed one-half of the normal fee the attorney charges to paying clients to be a "Judicare fee" from either a Legal Services Corporation program or Samaritan Center Legal Care. Reimbursement for actual expenses necessary to the representation shall not be used in the calculation of the reduced fee.
A "fee" shall not include reimbursement for actual expenses necessary to the representation.