We are writing a book for local church mission leaders and are looking for stories of congregations or local church that have developed innovative mission practices that may be encouraging or instructive for other local church. If you know a story of innovation in one of these areas, we’d love to hear from you:

1. Short-term mission trips
2. Caring for children
3. Allocating mission funds
4. Organizing local church for mission

Please provide info in one or several of the following categories. Kindly limit your responses to 300 words.

Please Note: Even though we can’t publish every case study or story we received, your participation in sharing your story in each of the following categories indicate that you gave us the permission to acknowledge your story unless anonymity is requested.

With thanks,

Hunter Farrell and Balajiedlang Khyllep
World Mission Initiative
Pittsburgh Theological Seminary

Question Title

* 1. Address

Short-Term Mission Trips

Question Title

* 2. Please share with us in the box below the story of a local church or a congregation you know that has developed innovative practices in short-term mission trips. What were the impacts on the host community? Among those who travel? Is there an image or story that expresses well the local church’s learnings about mission trips?

Caring for Children

Question Title

* 3. Share with us in the box below the story of a church you know that has developed innovative practices in caring for children, either locally or globally. What is the story of how the church developed its approach? How was your church able to incorporate extended family members and community into the effort to care for children?

Funding Mission

Question Title

* 4. Share with us in the box below the story of a local church or congregation you know that has developed innovative practices in its allocation of mission funding (use these questions if helpful): 
  • How has the church/congregation taken stock of the power and potentially negative impacts of money in God’s mission and worked to mitigate them? 
  • What were the mission funding practices of the congregation before establishing these practices and how were they changed? 
  • What image or story would illustrate the positive impact the relationship brings?

Organizing for Mission

Question Title

* 5. Please describe in a box below a church you know that has developed strategies in striving to effectively engage its church members in mission involvement by training and educating about mission (use these questions if helpful):
  • How does the church’s understanding of God’s mission in this world shape the way it approaches and structures its mission engagement differently from others churches?
  • How has this approach allowed congregants to see God’s mission in their everyday lives? Please give an example.

Thank You for taking your time to share with us! PLEASE DON'T FORGET TO CLICK 'DONE' BELOW!.