Application for Healthy Weight Healthy Child's Youth Advisory Council: Mission Possible

17% of survey complete.
What is Healthy Weight Healthy Child (HWHC)?

About 33% of children ages 2-4 are overweight or obese in Mecklenburg County compared to 29.4% in the state. Moreover, about 24% of children ages 2-18 are overweight or obese in Mecklenburg County. 

In 2015, Mission Possible, the HWHC Youth Advisory Council, was recruited to engage youth in developing and implementing creative and impactful strategies to combat childhood obesity.

What is Mission Possible?

Mission Possible is comprised of youth in Mecklenburg County from diverse backgrounds and socioeconomic classes with a passion for health, empowering youth, and making a positive difference in the community. The purpose of Mission Possible is to empower youth to become active leaders of impactful and sustainable change around childhood obesity in Mecklenburg County.

In 2016, Mission Possible will focus on:

1. Advocating for school policies related to healthy vending and concession stands in schools;
2. Increasing physical activity in schools using unique and creative physical activity program;

3.Engaging youth in the Health Department’s Healthy Corner Store Initiative; and

4. Collaborating with and supporting other youth-led organizations and movements on a variety of health areas important to youth in Mecklenburg County.