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* 1. Please input your personal details below.

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* 2. In the 1970’s Herbert Benson, MD, found that practicing simple meditation techniques, could lower blood pressure, improve heart health, and reduce stress levels. This technique has become known as the “relaxation response”

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* 3. Why is mindfulness a necessary skill for treating addiction & Recovery Maintenance?

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* 4. The largest area of the lungs is located in the back of the body under the shoulder blades

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* 5. ACE means Adverse Childhood Experiences

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* 6. Mindfulness is

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* 7. The significance of the ACE Study is:

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* 8. Choice language is an important feature of trauma-sensitive practice because it acknowledges the individual’s right to choose how they participate

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* 9. The Diaphragm muscle is the primary muscle responsible for breathing

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* 10. Breathing is the only autonomic function of our body we can control without medication

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* 11. Slowing the rhythm of our breathing can slow our heart rate