Thank you for your interest in the He Ira Wāhine | Law School Women's Mentoring Programme 2024. By completing this form it is assumed that you are willing and able to take part in the programme.

The programme runs during the academic year, from March to October.

Commitment required by the mentors:
- Must reside in Auckland.
- Have a minimum of five years’ industry experience.
- Be willing to commit to the programme – ideally, you would meet up with your mentee once a month, outside of the on-campus events (we require a minimum of 4 x face to face meetings throughout the programme), with regular communication via email/phone.
- Be able to attend some of the evening events during the programme.

Benefits for the mentors:
- Opportunity to network with other women at the programme events.
- Opportunity to build your own professional brand.
- Hear from exciting women leaders.

Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee we will be able to match you with a student.

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* 1. Contact details:

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* 2. Which ethnic group do you belong to? (This information is
for statistical purposes)

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* 3. Are you an alumna (graduate) of The University of Auckland?

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* 4. Qualification(s) completed, including your undergraduate degree

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* 5. What best describes your current position?

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* 6. If you currently practice law or have done so previously, what best describes the area of law you work(ed) in? e.g. Family law, International law, IP law etc.

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* 7. Please provide a brief description of your current role, responsibilities and area of expertise (max 150 words - this will be used as your bio in our handbook)

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* 8. Have you had any previous mentoring experience, either as a mentee or a mentor?

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* 9. What are your interests/hobbies outside of work?

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* 10. What would you like to get out of this programme?

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* 11. If you could choose to have dinner with any three people (dead or alive) who would they be and why? (max 200 words)