Thank you for taking part in the Mentally Healthy 2022 survey to better understand the mental wellbeing in the media, marketing and creative industries. All responses will be anonymous, strictly confidential and only personally de-identified data will be reported.
If you need support, please contact:
Lifeline 13 11 14
Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467
MensLine Australia 1300 78 99 78
Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636
About you

Question Title

* 1. Do you currently, OR have you worked in the creative, media and/or marketing industry (including PR) within the last 12 months?

Question Title

* 2. What is your age?

Question Title

* 3. What is your gender?

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* 4. How many dependent children (aged under 15, or students aged 15-24) do you have?

Question Title

* 5. In which state do you currently live?

Your work

Question Title

* 6. What part of the industry do you work in?

Question Title

* 7. How would you describe your role in the business you work in? (tick all that apply)

Question Title

* 8. Including yourself, what is the approximate number of employees at the organisation that you currently work?

Question Title

* 9. What are your current working arrangements?

Question Title

* 10. What is the length of an average work day (or shift)?

Question Title

* 11. How many ADDITIONAL (i.e. uncontracted) hours do you typically work on an average week?

Question Title

* 12. How many of these ADDITIONAL hours are you not paid for / or do not receive time in lieu for?

Your wellbeing

Question Title

* 13. Please read each statement and indicate how much the statement applied to you over the past week. There are no right or wrong answers. Do not spend too much time on any statement. 

In the last week:

  Never Sometimes Often Almost Always
I found it hard to wind down
I was aware of dryness of my mouth
I couldn’t seem to experience any positive feeling at all
I experienced breathing difficulty (e.g., excessively rapid breathing, breathlessness in the absence of physical exertion)
I found it difficult to work up the initiative to do things
I tended to over-react to situations
I experienced trembling (e.g., in the hands)
I felt that I was using a lot of nervous energy
I was worried about situations in which I might panic and make a fool of myself
I felt that I had nothing to look forward to
I found myself getting agitated
I found it difficult to relax
I felt down-hearted and blue
I was intolerant of anything that kept me from getting on with what I was doing
I felt I was close to panic
I was unable to become enthusiastic about anything
I felt I wasn’t worth much as a person
I felt that I was rather touchy
I was aware of the action of my heart in the absence of physical exertion (e.g., sense of heart rate increase, heart missing a beat)
I felt scared without any good reason
I felt that life was meaningless

Question Title

* 14. Have you ever been diagnosed with a mental illness by a health professional (e.g., general practitioner, psychologist, counsellor, or psychiatrist)?

Question Title

* 15. Are you currently, or have you in the past, received treatment or medication for mental ill-health?

Question Title

* 16. On average, how would you rate your sleep quality over the past 4 weeks?

Question Title

* 17. On average, how many hours did you sleep each night during the past 4 weeks?

Question Title

* 18. In the last four weeks, on how many days did you miss a whole day of work because of problems with your physical or mental health?

Question Title

* 19. How many days in the last four weeks did you go to work despite problems with your mental or physical health?

Question Title

* 20. How often do you have a drink containing alcohol?

Question Title

* 21. How often do you have six or more standard drinks on one occasion?

Question Title

* 22. Are you currently taking medication for mental illness? (e.g. antidepressants, anti-anxiety medication etc)

Question Title

* 23. How would you perceive your ability to:

  Very poor Poor Fair Good Very good
Recognise if you had a mental health problem
Recognise if a friend or a family member had a mental health problem
Recognise if a colleague had a mental health problem
Find something or someone to help improve your own mental health
Find something or someone to help improve the mental health of a friend, family member of colleague
Talk to colleague about your own mental health
Talk to a colleague about their mental health

Question Title

* 24. Have you completed a Mental Health First Aid Course in the last 5 years?

Mental health & work

Question Title

* 25. Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements:

  Strongly disagree Disagree Not sure Agree Strongly agree
People in my industry would be treated poorly If they were to disclose they had been diagnosed with a mental illness
In my industry, I would not tell anyone if I had been diagnosed with depression
I would not want to work with someone if I knew that they had been diagnosed with mental illness
I would be able to talk to and support someone who had approached me about a mental health problem that they had.
I would be able to talk to and support someone who worked for me with a mental health problem.
I would feel well equipped to manage someone with mental illness

Question Title

* 26. Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements:

  Strongly disagree Disagree Not sure Agree Strongly agree
My job tends to directly affect my health
I work under a great deal of tension
I have felt fidgety or nervous as a result of my job
If I had a different job, my health would probably improve
Problems associated with my job have kept me awake at night
I often ‘take my job home with me’ in the sense that I think about it when doing other things

Question Title

* 27. 1 - Please indicate the level of stress, based on your own experience, that is associated with the following aspects of working in the industry:

  1 - No stress 2 3 4 5 - Medium level of stress 6 7 8 9 10 - Extreme level of stress
Financial stress, including unpredictable income and cash flow
Multiple responsibilities
Sense of isolation
Employee responsibility / managing staff
Feeling obliged to work when sick
Long working hours
Unrealistic expectations / deadlines
Worry about the impact of others connected to my business
Worry about the impact of the business on my friends/family
Pressure of my own expectations to perform or be creative
Pressure of judgement from clients or colleagues
Pressure to be available 24-7
Pressure to stay up to speed on trends and technology
Pressure of social media
Lack of confidence in my ability to perform tasks or cope under pressure
Uncertainty regarding the future of my role
Relationship with my Manager
Lack of training / leadership support to do my job
Social anxiety of going back to the office

Question Title

* 28. Which of the below are most important to you in terms of improving your mental wellbeing at work?

  Not important at all Of little importance Of average importance Very important Absolutely essential
Free healthy foods and snacks
Pleasant physical environment at work (e.g. inspiring workspace, breakout areas etc.)
Yoga lessons
Mindfulness initiatives in the workplace (e.g. meditation)
Leadership who leads by example
Flexible working conditions
Clear objectives
Appropriate agency/company structure and resources to deliver the work
Team building activities
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Mental Health First Aid Officers
Comprehensive wellbeing program including physical and mental health initiatives
Motivational posters
Mental health education programs and training
Empathetic, educated leaders
HOW we work

Based on Curtin University's Future of Work Institute SMART work design research, we’d like to understand the importance you place on how we work in our industry AND how well you you feel your workplace is delivering against these. First, let's start with how important you feel the below are for managing mental health at work.

Question Title

* 29. Which of the below do you believe are most important in being able to manage your mental health at work?

  Not at all important Somewhat important Important Very important Essential
I have a job that involves skill variety, task variety, and problem solving demands.
My job has role clarity, I receive clear feedback and tasks are clearly identified.
I am able to organise my own schedule, choose the methods in which I can achieve my work goals and I’m able to make judgements and decisions individually.
I experience a strong sense of support, purpose and meaning in the work that I do and have the right amount of social contact and appreciation in my role.
My job has tolerable demands on time pressure, emotional demand and management of role conflict

Question Title

* 30. And how well does your current workplace deliver on your needs relating to the SMART Work framework?

  Not at all Somewhat Satisfactorily  Very well 100%
I have a job that involves skill variety, task variety, and problem solving demands.
My job has role clarity, I receive clear feedback and tasks are clearly identified.
I am able to organise my own schedule, choose the methods in which I can achieve my work goals and I’m able to make judgements and decisions individually.
I experience a strong sense of support, purpose and meaning in the work that I do and have the right amount of social contact and appreciation in my role.
My job has tolerable demands on time pressure, emotional demand and management of role conflict

Question Title

* 31. How satisfied are you with the following?

  Very satisfied Satisfied Unsure Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied
Your usual take home pay
Long term viability of the business you own/work for
Your work life balance
The people you work with
The growth of the business you work for
Physical working conditions
The way your abilities are used
The interest and skill involved in your job

Question Title

* 32. Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements:

  Strongly disagree Disagree Unsure Agree Strongly agree
My workplace is inclusive
I feel like I am accepted for who I am
I am made to feel like I belong
I feel like others understand me
My team have a good understanding of my life outside of work
I feel like I have friends at work
I know exactly what is expected of me in my role
I have enough time to do my work
I am often in emotionally charged meetings/situations at work

Question Title

* 33. Have you personally experienced any of the following within the last 12 months at your company? 

  Yes No Not applicable Prefer not to answer
I have received positive recognition for work well done.
I have been interrupted or not listened to in meetings.
I have been given the opportunity and resources to work flexibly.
I believe my learning opportunities or progress has been restricted by managers.
I have been able to pursue work-related interests outside of my regular job responsibilities.
I felt undervalued compared to colleagues of equal competence.
I have opportunities available to me to learn and progress in my career.
I have repeatedly observed people taking sole credit for shared efforts.
I have been sponsored/championed by a senior colleague to help me succeed.
I have been bullied or undermined in some way.
I have been verbally harassed, insulted or received other hurtful comments.
I have been physically harassed or subject to violence.
I have been subject to sexual harassment (e.g., sexual comments or jokes, physical behaviour, displaying pictures, photos, or drawings of a sexual nature, sending emails with sexual content).
I have been supported if I experienced challenging times outside of work.
I have been made to feel uncomfortable in the workplace due to who I am. (e.g. my gender, race, ethnicity, LGBTQI+ status, social background, health, religion, parental duties etc).

Question Title

* 34. How seriously does your workplace take the mental health of its employees?

Question Title

* 35. How effective do you think your business’ efforts are in addressing the mental health of its employees?

Question Title

* 36. How do you perceive the importance your business places on people vs profit on a scale of 1-10 where 1 = All about profit and 10 = All about people.

0 ←profit   |  people→ 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.
Help seeking

Question Title

* 37. In the past 12 months, how many times have you consulted with the following type of support people to discuss your own mental health problems? (Note: this can include stress, anxiety, depression or worries about alcohol or drugs)

  0 times 1-2 times 3-5 times 5-10 times 10-15 times 16+ times
General Practitioner
Other mental health professional (e.g., social worker, counsellor, or occupational therapist, drug and alcohol counsellor, mental health nurse)
Friend or family member
Boss (if an employee), colleague at work, or someone in similar role in the industry
Online mental health services or an app
Social media/discussion forums
Workplace mental health first aid officer
Workplace employee assistance program
Industry peer support group

Question Title

* 38. If you were in need of help, but did not seek support, what were the main reasons you didn’t seek help?

Minimum Standards for Mental Health
The Mentally Healthy Change Group recently launched a set of Minimum Standards for Mental Health at workplaces for our industry to adopt. The following set of questions will help us to understand your awareness of this initiative and how it relates to your workplace.

First of all, here are the Minimum Standards

Question Title

Minimum Standards 

Minimum Standards 

Question Title

* 39. Before today, were you aware of the Minimum Standards?

Question Title

* 40. Has your business signed the minimum standards?

Question Title

* 41. On a scale from 1 to 10, with 1 being low alignment, and 10 being perfectly aligned, how well do you feel that your business practices align with the minimum standards?

Effect of the pandemic

Question Title

* 42. How would you rate your mental health in general before the pandemic? (0=Very poor, 10=Very healthy)

0 ←Very Poor | Neutral | Very Healthy→ 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 43. And how would you rate your mental health in general at present (last 1-2 months)? (0=Very poor, 10=Very healthy)

0 ←Very Poor | Neutral | Very Healthy→ 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 44. Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements:

  Strongly disagree Disagree Unsure Agree Strongly agree
Our business culture has improved as a result of the changes that occurred during the pandemic
I’m likely to leave my current role in the next 12 months
I believe that our business trusts me more as a result of the conditions imposed during the pandemic
Empathy has become a more appreciated skill in our culture over the last 12-24 months
The leaders in our business handled the pandemic to the best of their ability
This pandemic has given our business and industry a chance to change things for the better regarding our mental wellbeing
There are systemic issues in our industry that need to be addressed in order for our mental wellbeing to significantly improve
The evolving nature of the pandemic is causing me a level of uncertainty and anxiety

Question Title

* 45. What do you consider to be the most important thing that needs to change for the industry to become more mentally healthy?

Question Title

* 46. If you are happy to, could you tell us where you work? This information would be used to highlight any high performing businesses in our industry when it comes to mental wellbeing in the workplace.This question is optional, but could really help to shine a light on the healthier workplaces in our industry. Any external communications would seek prior written approval first.