
Each Special Interest Group (“SIG”) or Forum approved by the ASPS Board of Directors shall be recognized as a participant to the Assembly of Member Sections.
Each entity within the Assembly of Member Sections may have up to five voting delegates. Those members of the Assembly of Member Sections who do not qualify for ASPS Active member status must be members in good standing of the Special Interest Group (“SIG”) or Forum they represent. Each SIG or Forum is entitled to at least one delegate; those with more than 50 members are entitled to one additional delegate for each additional 50 members up to a maximum of five delegates per SIG or Forum. (e.g., 1-50 members = 1 delegate; 51-100 members = 2 delegates; 101-150 members = 3 delegates; 151-200 members = 4 delegates; 201 or more members = 5 delegates.)

Please have your memberhip roster ready in Excel file format to submit via email.

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* 1. Full Name of SIG or Forum

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* 2. Chair of the SIG or Forum Steering Committee

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* 3. Steering Committee Chair’s email address

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* 4. Staff Liaison to the SIG or Forum Steering Committee

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* 5. Staff Liaison's Email

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* 6. Please acknowledge your understanding that the ASPS Council of Representatives will not cover the travel cost of the SIG or Forum’s delegate(s) to in-person meetings. Note that the SIG or Forum will be allowed to name a Designated Alternate(s) to substitute for their Official Delegate(s) for in-person meetings.

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* 7. Number of members in the SIG or Forum

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* 8. Please provide the name(s) of your organization’s delegate(s), if known. Otherwise, the deadline for providing the name(s) of your organization’s delegate(s) is May 31 each year. All recognized SIG or Forum with 50 or less members are entitled to one (1) delegate who must be a member in good standing of the SIG or Forum they represent.

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* 9. Please acknowledge your understanding that your organization is required to annually certify that it continues to meet the eligibility criteria between March 1 and April 15