Step-by-step guide Iure Sanguinis (citizenship by descent)
Eligibility Verification - Step-by-step guide
The purpose of this step-by-step guide is solely to help you determine whether you may be eligible to apply for Italian citizenship jure sanguinis, that is, by descent. However, please note that the outcome of this guide is in no way a guarantee that you will be recognised as an Italian citizen. You will need to book an appointment and submit a completed application with all the necessary documentation. Kindly note that in order to be recognised as an Italian citizen, an applicant and his/her ancestors must not have renounced their Italian citizenship before any Italian authority.
Please note all questions pertaining to the questionnaire are anonymous and are required for the sole purpose as an information guide to assist the user. All personal data is treated in accordance with EU Data Protection regulation 2016/679 for the protection and privacy of personal data. No data will be kept or stored by the Consulate. Any questions regarding the step-by-step information guide can be addressed to: