Survey for Service Providers, Caterers and Health Professionals 
Information about the survey
  • Thank you for taking part in this survey about Commonwealth Home Support Programme  funded meal services across Australia.
  • Your participation in this survey is voluntary.
  • National Meals Guidelines are currently being developed for home delivered and centre based meal services across Australia. We are very keen to find out the views and experiences of current meal providers and health professionals to further inform the development and implementation of these Guidelines.
  • This survey will ask you about your involvement with funded meal services such as Meals on Wheels, the service you provide your clients as well as your perception of the proposed National Meals Guidelines.
  • If you choose to participate, your name is not required and it will take up to 15 minutes to complete. You may choose to skip questions if you are not sure of the answer or would prefer not to answer certain questions.
  • Please select the box, or boxes that correspond with your answer/s to each question.
  • Please add any additional comments if you wish.
  • Your completion of the survey will indicate that you are happy to take part.