
This short survey is part of ongoing community consultations for the Well-Being Partnership. In 2020, we asked residents for their feedback on risks that impact health, safety, and well-being. We are now determining what can be done to improve challenges in these areas moving forward, through the development of a Community Safety & Well-Being Plan.

Based on resident responses in 2020, our community’s priority areas of focus have been identified as:
  • Mental Health & Addictions;
  • Crime Prevention;
  • Poverty & Income;
  • Supports and Programs for Youth; and
  • Supports and Programs for Seniors.

    This survey will gather anonymous feedback to determine our community's past and ongoing experiences regarding the priority areas of risk identified. Survey responses will be collected confidentially. All results that are reported to the public through the Well-Being Plan will have identifiable information removed.

    If you’d like to learn more about the Plan and how to get involved, please contact (519) 538-1060, ext. 1110, e-mail wellbeing@meaford.ca., or visit meaford.ca/wellbeing.