Symposium Feedback Survey

Dear students and colleagues,

With thanks to all who participated in the April 3 Symposium on #MeToo and Sexual Violence, we now ask you to take 2 minutes to give us your feedback.  Your input is important for our planning!  Thanks!

President Pat McGuire

Question Title

* 1. Please indicate your status:

Question Title

* 2. Please rate the symposium overall:

Question Title

* 3. Please rate the symposium sessions:

  Excellent Good Fair Poor Did Not Attend/No Opinion
1.  Sexual Violence Across Institutions:  Sport, Military, Workplace, Church
2.  Sexual Violence in Education Spaces
3.  Survivorship: Strategies for Helping Victims of Sexual Violence to Heal
4.  Preventing Sexual Violence
5.  Health Professions Responses to Sexual Violence
6.  From Victorians to Millennials: Gender, Sexuality and Violence in Literature
7.  The R. Kelly Case and Sexual Violence Among Entertainment Figures
8.  Gender, Race, Sexuality and Culture: Intersections and Influences
9.  Resource Fair - Payden Lobby
10. Library Film Series on Sexual Violence

Question Title

* 4. On the topic of sexual assault and violence, what are some next steps that Trinity should take?

Question Title

* 5. What other topics should Trinity consider when planning future day-long symposia and other programs?