You're in! Get excited for a full day of learning, networking, and growing alongside your peers at the first-ever Mayor's Youth Conference on Monday, October 9, 2023. Please complete the survey below so that we have everything ready for your arrival.

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* 1. First and last name

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* 2. School or personal e-mail address

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* 3. Graduating class

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* 4. Which school do you attend?

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* 5. Are you attending as a part of a class? Please indicate:

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* 6. Which track would you like to pursue? Please rank them by most interested (1) to least interested (3).

  • Track A: Plan Your Future
    Cedar Rapids is home to almost 300 different manufacturing plants and two dozen Fortune 500 companies. This track will help students identify their path in our city’s workforce in many different industries – Advanced Manufacturing, Bioscience, Education Technology, Food Processing, Logistics & Warehousing, and so much more! You will receive insider knowledge on how to get your foot in the door, stand out, and contribute to industries that leave an impact locally and nationwide.
  • Track B: Make Your Voice Heard
    For attendees interested in learning more about the ins and outs of municipal government. How does Cedar Rapids function and who helps in keeping it running? Maybe one day it will be you! Current City employees will share their knowledge and expertise of this work, provide advice on how to enter the field, share current resources and programs we offer to help accomplish your goals, and then lead a workshop simulating real, City problems.
  • Track C: Be Your Own Boss
    Are you interested in being self-employed, starting your own company, working for a small business, or undecided in your preference for the day’s activities? Entrepreneurship may be right for you! Cedar Rapids is a city with start-up support like no other, and we take pride in our ability to foster innovation and cultivate a culture of growth for those willing to go after it. These sessions will provide a crash-course in entrepreneurship and allow you to learn from and network with some of Cedar Rapids most-successful self-starters.

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* 7. Lunch will be served as part of the event. Please note any dietary restrictions below so we can accommodate your needs and ensure you have a comfortable and enjoyable dining experience.

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* 8. Please select your t-shirt size

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* 9. Please select your pronouns for nametags.

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* 10. Transportation Options