Stakeholder Consensus Building Survey for Purpose & Beliefs of Public Education in Ohio

A group of superintendents throughout the State of Ohio gathered to create a statement of purpose and a set of beliefs in order to re-envision what public education in Ohio could be. These statements represent a first draft and in order to develop them further, we would like your feedback.  

Your feedback will be used to further "sand their edges" and create a more inclusive vision. The intent is to use the finished product to advocate for educational policies that more directly provide students with what they need to be successful beyond a K-12 education. In addition, we hope that this grassroots feedback will help to influence educational policies that will be more in alignment with what parents and community members expect at the local level from their public schools.  

We appreciate your time and insight. 

Question Title

* 1. Please comment on your level of agreement with the following statement of purpose for what an Ohio public education should represent:

The purpose of Ohio public education is to prepare an informed citizenry to actively engage in and to sustain a democratic society within a global community. We commit to provide for equity and opportunity for all students in the promise that each student achieves individual success as guided and supported by the local community.

Question Title

* 2. Please comment on your level of agreement with the following belief statement about what public education should represent in Ohio.

We believe in valuing diversity and we are committed to the success of each and every one of our students.

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* 3. Please comment on your level of agreement with the following belief statement about what public education in Ohio should represent.

We believe in providing educational experiences that result in students understanding that they are part of both a family and a broader community and, as such, have roles and responsibilities to other family and community members.

Question Title

* 4. Please comment on your level of agreement with the following belief statement about what public education in Ohio should represent.

We believe in promoting and supporting actions that result in increased trust and collaboration between and among local communities, district leaders, teachers and others who are responsible for educating the community's children.

Question Title

* 5. Please comment on your level of agreement with the following belief statement about what public education should represent in Ohio.

We believe that students, schools and communities are best served when there is a balanced and strong partnership between federal, state, and local entities.

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* 6. Please comment on your level of agreement with the following belief statement about what public education should represent in Ohio.

We believe in student assessment that is authentic, timely, and informs classroom instruction with the goal of increasing student achievement.

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* 7. Please comment on your level of agreement with the following belief statement about what public education should represent in Ohio.

We believe that the development of educational policy in Ohio must include local community members including parents, principals, teachers, students, school board members, and superintendents.

Question Title

* 8. Please comment on your level of agreement with the following belief statement about what public education should represent in Ohio.

We believe that a quality education requires a focus on the whole child and incorporates schoolwork that emphasizes the importance of life skills.

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* 9. Please provide any feedback in this section that is relevant to the development of the statement of purpose and beliefs.