What: Mass Blanket Exercise
Where: provincial/territorial capitals
When: As close to June 2, 2016 as possible

In 2014 the Indigenous youth organization, Assembly of Seven Generations approached KAIROS about working with them on a Mass Blanket Exercise to be held on Parliament Hill. It took place in 2015 as part of the close of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC). There were 300 participants and it was both incredibly powerful to experience and empowering for the people who led it. 

We are building on this vision by inviting people to hold Mass Blanket Exercises across the country on the lawns of Provincial and Territorial Legislatures in and around the one-year anniversary of the June 2, 2015 release of the TRC’s Calls to Action. We are campaigning all year for Ministries of Education to adopt TRC Call to Action #62 so that all K-12 students are learning about treaties, the residential school legacy and the historic and contemporary contributions of Indigenous peoples. Through the Blanket Exercise we want to raise awareness of the kinds of education tools that can be used in the school system to help us toward reconciliation. We think the Mass Blanket Exercises will be a highlight of this campaign.

Depending on where you’re located, we may be able to connect you with other facilitators if you would like help putting your team together.

We hope you'll join us in organizing this nation-wide action to bring about important changes to the education system and decolonize together.

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* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. Where would you want to help with the Mass Blanket Exercise?

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* 3. Have you facilitated the KAIROS Blanket Exercise?

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* 4. Have you organized a large public event before?

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* 5. Do you identify as...(please mark all that apply, as you are comfortable)

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* 6. Is there anything else you would like to tell us?