Concepts Feedback Survey

AED is in the process of developing of a comprehensive economic development recovery and resiliency strategy for the greater Albuquerque region. After dozens of stakeholder interviews and significant analysis and research related to target industry clusters and competitive analysis, initial concepts are being formed and your feedback is appreciated. 

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* 1. Please rank the level to which you agree or disagree with the following statements as related to AED's strategic planning process and outcomes:

  Disagree  Somewhat Disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree
The strategy should take a “brutal” look at how we are viewed by decision-makers and opinion leaders on the outside
We must fully understand our limitations and work hard to eliminate or minimize them
There is a significant need to diversify the regional economy with and through private sector capital investment and job creation
This strategy should be built on data and analytics, and make an air-tight case as to WHY building the private sector economy is critical
The strategy has to focus on execution – a long-term, sustained execution of the most important economic development initiatives

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* 2. The following are target industries identified through evaluation of existing research and plans as well as updated data analysis. While you may feel all are critical or that some other specific items are not listed, we ask that you please select which you believe should be the TOP THREE for AED to prioritize related efforts on in the next 12 months from the selection below:

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* 3. The AED staff team has developed internal 'guiding principles' which are designed to describe how the organization behaves, and its 'words to live by'. Please rank the degree in which you agree or disagree with each of these statements as descriptors of AED as an organization TODAY:

  Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree
We are collaborators and connectors, starting conversations and enhancing partnerships.
We are doers, door openers and out of the box thinkers.
We operate every day ethically and inclusively, serving all businesses and people in the community.
As experts in our field, we proactively educate, mentor and innovate through thought leadership.
We are a resourceful, reliable and resilient team dedicated to proactively driving opportunity.

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* 4. On these same internal 'guiding principles' which are designed to describe how the organization behaves, and its 'words to live by' please rank the degree in which you agree or disagree with each of these statements as descriptors of how AED should operate GOING FORWARD:

  Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree
We are collaborators and connectors, starting conversations and enhancing partnerships.
We are doers, door openers and out of the box thinkers.
We operate every day ethically and inclusively, serving all businesses and people in the community.
As experts in our field, we proactively educate, mentor and innovate through thought leadership.
We are a resourceful, reliable and resilient team dedicated to proactively driving opportunity.

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* 5. Do you have any comments, questions or suggestions related to our strategic plan development at this time?