About this survey

This survey is for anyone working or with an interest in creative health in Essex. The survey will take up to 25 minutes and will contribute towards understanding the current needs and priorities across the county with the view to increasing knowledge and raising the profile of creative health activity in Essex.

By completing this survey you have the chance to win a £100 gift voucher.

By submitting your answers in this survey you give permission for Creative Lives to store your data on the Mapping database as part of the research project commissioned by Essex County Council. Any answers you submit in this survey will remain anonymous in the report unless, in special circumstances, we directly ask you for your permission on the contrary.

Thank you so much for your time in advance, your input is extremely valuable to us and the community your work in.
14% of survey complete.
SECTION A: Information about you and your creative health work

This section is to help us collect data about you and your activity to improve our mapping data and to improve local creative health networks. However, no personal information will be included in the final report, without your explicit consent.
What do we mean by Creative Health?

The National Centre for Creative Health defines Creative Health as creative approaches and activities which have benefits for our health and wellbeing. Activities can include visual and performing arts, crafts, film, literature, cooking and creative activities in nature, such as gardening; approaches may involve creative and innovative ways to approach health and care services, co production, education and workforce development. Creative health can be applied in homes, communities, cultural institutions and heritage sites, and healthcare settings. Creative health can contribute to the prevention of ill health, promotion of healthy behaviours, management of long term conditions, and treatment and recovery across the life course.

Question Title

* 1. First Name

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* 2. Surname

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* 3. Job Title

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* 4. Name of organisation or group

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* 5. Please describe what your organisation does (50 words max)

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* 6. Email address

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* 7. Website

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* 8. Postal address (including postcode)

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* 9. Which integrated care system do you work under? (you can tick more than one)

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* 10. Postcode where you currently deliver activity (up to 3)

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* 11. Type of organisation, i.e. how you primarily describe your organisation. Please tick one.

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* 12. If you deliver or commission Creative Health activity, please state the most used art forms. (Please tick as many as applicable.)

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* 13. Does your Creative Health work prioritise any of the following characteristics or groups? (Please tick as many as applicable)

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* 14. How would you categorise your Creative Health activity/projects as (adapted from the UCL spectrum)

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* 15. Where do you primarily deliver your Creative Health activity?

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* 16. If you deliver creative health activity what types of health and wellbeing outcomes does your Creative Health work support? (Please tick as many as apply)

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* 17. The survey will now be split depending on the following options, please select what best defines you. (If you or your organisation does multiple things then please select the option that defines the majority of your activity.)