Goodwill of Central and Coastal Virginia Client Survey WELCOME GOODWILL INDUSTIRES OF CENTRAL AND COASTAL VIRGINIAThank you for your time and effort to give us feedback about Goodwill's services. We are very interested in making sure we provide you with the best possible service. This survey should not take more than 2 minutes to complete and will help us better meet our customers' needs. Your answers will remain confidential. We appreciate your input! Question Title * 1. How did you hear about Goodwill Services? Vocational Rehabilitation Agency Developmental Disabilities/Intellectual Disabilities Agency Mental Health Agency Justice/Corrections Agency Department of Social Services One-stop Department of Labor Housing Agency Other Human Services Agency Friends who attended a Goodwill program Goodwill Employee Website Other Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. Which Service/program did you receive from Goodwill, most recently completed? Career Fair Community Employment Center Ability One - Job Placement Ability One - Follow Along Enclave - Job Placement Enclave - Follow Along Supported Employment - Job Placement Supported Employment - Follow Along TIE Transitional Employment Work Adjustment Skills Building Question Title * 3. How do you feel about the services you received with Goodwill? Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree No Response Received valuable information Received valuable information Strongly Agree Received valuable information Agree Received valuable information Neutral Received valuable information Disagree Received valuable information Strongly Disagree Received valuable information Strongly Disagree Received valuable information No Response Prepared you for the workforce Prepared you for the workforce Strongly Agree Prepared you for the workforce Agree Prepared you for the workforce Neutral Prepared you for the workforce Disagree Prepared you for the workforce Strongly Disagree Prepared you for the workforce Strongly Disagree Prepared you for the workforce No Response Helped you meet your goals Helped you meet your goals Strongly Agree Helped you meet your goals Agree Helped you meet your goals Neutral Helped you meet your goals Disagree Helped you meet your goals Strongly Disagree Helped you meet your goals Strongly Disagree Helped you meet your goals No Response Question Title * 4. Rate your level of satisfaction with utilizing Goodwill services: Very Satisfied Satisfied Undecided Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied No Response Convenient location Convenient location Very Satisfied Convenient location Satisfied Convenient location Undecided Convenient location Dissatisfied Convenient location Very Dissatisfied Convenient location No Response Hours of operation Hours of operation Very Satisfied Hours of operation Satisfied Hours of operation Undecided Hours of operation Dissatisfied Hours of operation Very Dissatisfied Hours of operation No Response Ease of enrolling in program services Ease of enrolling in program services Very Satisfied Ease of enrolling in program services Satisfied Ease of enrolling in program services Undecided Ease of enrolling in program services Dissatisfied Ease of enrolling in program services Very Dissatisfied Ease of enrolling in program services No Response Rate your overall satisfaction with Goodwill Rate your overall satisfaction with Goodwill Very Satisfied Rate your overall satisfaction with Goodwill Satisfied Rate your overall satisfaction with Goodwill Undecided Rate your overall satisfaction with Goodwill Dissatisfied Rate your overall satisfaction with Goodwill Very Dissatisfied Rate your overall satisfaction with Goodwill No Response Question Title * 5. How did you feel about the staff? Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree No Response Treated me with respect and dignity Treated me with respect and dignity Strongly Agree Treated me with respect and dignity Agree Treated me with respect and dignity Neutral Treated me with respect and dignity Disagree Treated me with respect and dignity Strongly Disagree Treated me with respect and dignity Strongly Disagree Treated me with respect and dignity No Response Easy to talk to Easy to talk to Strongly Agree Easy to talk to Agree Easy to talk to Neutral Easy to talk to Disagree Easy to talk to Strongly Disagree Easy to talk to Strongly Disagree Easy to talk to No Response Easy to reach when I had a question Easy to reach when I had a question Strongly Agree Easy to reach when I had a question Agree Easy to reach when I had a question Neutral Easy to reach when I had a question Disagree Easy to reach when I had a question Strongly Disagree Easy to reach when I had a question Strongly Disagree Easy to reach when I had a question No Response Helped guide me through the program Helped guide me through the program Strongly Agree Helped guide me through the program Agree Helped guide me through the program Neutral Helped guide me through the program Disagree Helped guide me through the program Strongly Disagree Helped guide me through the program Strongly Disagree Helped guide me through the program No Response Considered my opinions when planning and delivering the services provided Considered my opinions when planning and delivering the services provided Strongly Agree Considered my opinions when planning and delivering the services provided Agree Considered my opinions when planning and delivering the services provided Neutral Considered my opinions when planning and delivering the services provided Disagree Considered my opinions when planning and delivering the services provided Strongly Disagree Considered my opinions when planning and delivering the services provided Strongly Disagree Considered my opinions when planning and delivering the services provided No Response Question Title * 6. Rate your overall satisfaction with Goodwill staff: Very Satisfied Satisfied Undecided Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied No Response Question Title * 7. Likelihood to recommend Goodwill to others: Very Likely Likely Neutral Unlikely Very Unlikely No Response Question Title * 8. Has anything stopped you or made it difficult to use/access a Goodwill service? Building or parking limitations Transportation to Location Other Environmental Issues Employee Attitudes Language Barrier Other Communication Issues Lack of Program Funding Entrance Criteria Other (please specify) Question Title * 9. What additional services could Goodwill offer you? Question Title * 10. What do you like best about your Goodwill experience? Question Title * 11. Please enter the zip code for your residence: Question Title * 12. Please select your gender: Male Female No Response Question Title * 13. Please select your age group: 20 and younger 21 - 25 26- 35 36 - 45 46 - 55 56 - 65 65 and older No Response Question Title * 14. Please specify your ethnic or cultural background: African-American Asian Hispanic Native American White/Caucasian Other Prefer not to answer Question Title * 15. Contact Information (Name, Address, Phone Number & Email Address): Your contact information is optional.Please contact us if you have concerns you would like to express or services we can provide. Done