We are looking for engaging, interactive and informative learning experiences for chamber of commerce professionals. Information required to submit a proposal can be found here:  

ACCE Call for Presenters information
Sessions are presented in the following formats: 
  • In-person sessions* (breakouts, roundtables, workshops, etc.)
  • Virtual or online (roundtables, webinars, written content, etc.)
*Most sessions will be presented by volunteers. Presenters are responsible for conference and travel fees, if applicable.

Questions? Contact Ashley Purdy at apurdy@acce.org.
20% of survey complete.
Presenter Information

Please provide information about the primary session presenter. In many cases, this person will be the only presenter at the session. In all cases, this person will be the designated contact with ACCE with respect to session development. You will have an opportunity to provide information about additional presenters or panelists (if any) on the next page.

Question Title

* 1. Presenter first name

Question Title

* 2. Presenter last name

Question Title

* 3. Presenter email address

Question Title

* 4. Presenter's chamber, organization or company

Question Title

* 5. Presenter represents/is a

Question Title

* 6. Has this individual presented this session at any other chamber industry-related conference or in another educational setting? If so, please explain below and provide approximate dates.

Question Title

* 7. Will any other presenters participate in your session?