2025 Family Satisfaction Survey (Orange)

As CSS strives to provide our clients with the best possible services, it is important for us to hear feedback from family members (and others important in our clients' lives). 

Your thoughts about our services, the people who provide the services, and the effectiveness of our services will help us to improve.  
1.How likely are you to recommend Community Support Services to others who may need mental health services?
2.Overall, I am satisfied with the services my family member has received from Community Support Services.
3.Staff members have provided the necessary education/resources to my family member and me.
4.When needed, I am able to reach a staff person to discuss a concern about my family member.
5.Treatment options, including medications and potential side effects, have been explained to my family member and me (if requested).
6.I am satisfied with the level of involvement I have had with the treatment team (case manager/psychiatrist, etc).
7.Since my family member has been participating in services with Community Support Services, I believe my family member has made improvements.
8.How old are you?
9.Are you of Spanish, Hispanic or Latino origin or descent?
10.Race: Please mark one or all that you consider yourself to be:
11.Which of the following options most closely aligns with your gender?
12.What is your sexual orientation?
13.What do you like the best about CSS?
14.What do you like the least about CSS?
15.Is there anything you would change about CSS to make it better?
Current Progress,
0 of 15 answered