Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey - we greatly appreciate your co-operation.

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* 1. Which of the following options most closely aligns with your gender?

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* 2. In what country do you currently reside?

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* 3. How old are you?

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* 4. What is your approximate average household income?

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* 5. How many trips abroad do you take a year?

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* 6. What is the typical length of these trips abroad?

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* 7. How much do you typically spend on a trip abroad?

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* 8. Do you travel...

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* 9. If you travel with children, how old are they?

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* 10. Do you typically travel on an organised tour?

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* 11. Do you use a guidebook for a trip?

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* 12. If so, which guidebook series do you typically use? Tick more than one if applicable.

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* 13. When choosing a guidebook, what is most important to you?

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* 14. Do you tend to buy a guidebook before or after booking a trip?

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* 15. Would the availability of a guidebook ever encourage you to visit a destination you’d not previously considered?

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* 16. Do you use a guidebook when selecting the following:

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* 17. What are your travel interests? Tick more than one if applicable.

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* 18. Do you holiday domestically?

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* 19. If so, how many times a year?

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* 20. When holidaying domestically, what type of accommodation do you typically book?

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* 21. Is there a destination you’d like to see added to the Bradt list of guidebooks?

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* 22. Is there anything you particularly like or dislike about the Bradt guidebooks you have used in the past?

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* 23. Do you have any other comments?