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Please provide honest and thoughtful responses to some or all of the following open-ended questions.

Thank you for taking time to answer Pope Francis's call to be the "ears of the church." Your participation in this survey will offer the Holy Father valuable insight as to how your Catholic faith is lived out in our community.

As you move through each question, we ask that you prayerfully consider your responses. Be assured that all answers will be kept anonymous and are for the sole purpose of assisting Pope Francis with his mission of understanding how to spread the good news of our Lord in today's world.

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* 1. How does belonging to the Catholic Church help you?

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* 2. Who is missing from our parish community? Why?

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* 3. How well does our parish listen to those who feel that they
do not belong or cannot belong?

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* 4. How does our parish help members to live out their service to society?

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* 5. How does our parish serve the needs of minorities, the poor, the sick, and those generally excluded from society?

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* 6. Do you feel you are able to speak up courageously, candidly, and responsibly in our parish community? Why or why not?

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* 7. How can we promote the active participation of all the faithful in the liturgy?

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* 8. How does our parish relate to the other Christian churches or communities? Should more be done?

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* 9. How are the lay faithful invited to share their talents with the parish and surrounding community?

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* 10. What tools or processes does our parish employ to promote transparency and accountability?

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* 11. Do you believe that the Eucharist is the true body and blood of Christ? Why or why not?

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* 12. If you could offer the Holy Father, Pope Francis, one bit of advice, what would it be?

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* 13. What is your age range? (This is for statistical purposes and will not be shared)

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