Topics & Goals for June Webinar Series Event: Security

Please help us tailor the topics, goals, and talking points to fit the security challenges you and your organization are facing throughout this coronavirus pandemic. All questions are optional and we'd appreciate your effort to answer even one of these questions. Your feedback will help us focus our content and messaging to be of the most value to webinar attendees.
1.Which of the following Routine Information Security Assessments do you or your company perform?
2.Are you familiar with Quantitative Analysis?
3.How difficult is it for you to communicate information security risks to leadership?
4.To what degree does your organization’s Information Security Program Strategy align with its business strategy?
5.To what degree does your organization’s Information Technology Strategy align with its business strategy?
6.What are your biggest information security challenges today?
7.Please share your thoughts to help us make the most of our June 2020 Webinar Series Event on 'Security.' Include questions you’d like addressed, the information you think would be helpful to share with other healthcare change-makers, and whether or not you’d like to participate in this and/or other future virtual knowledge exchange sessions.
8.Share any additional information, questions, or other commentary you think may be helpful. Share contact information if you'd like to help the HealthCare Executive Group associates and like-minded Change-Makers