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* 1. The Family Health Team defines urgent medical conditions as those that are not considered emergencies but still require care within 24 hours. When you need an urgent appointment are you able to see a doctor or nurse practitioner or another provider at your Family Health Team on the same day or next day?

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* 2. Do you know how to access our urgent care clinics? ( for sore throat, earache, fever, infections etc)

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* 3. Do you normally use the urgent care clinics instead of visiting the Emergency Department?

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* 4. On weekdays, what time would you prefer to have access to Urgent Care?

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* 5. The last time you were sick or were concerned you had a health problem.......
Did you get an appointment on the date you wanted?

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* 6. The last time you were sick or were concerned you had a health problem.......
How many days did it take from when you first tried to see your doctor or nurse practitioner to when you actually SAW him/her or someone else in their office?

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* 7. When you see your physician or nurse practitioner, how often do they or someone else in the office ...
Involve you as much as you want to be in decisions about your care and treatment? 

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* 8. Thinking about your most recent visit.... 
How would you rate your overall experience with the office staff? 

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* 9. Thinking about your most recent visit.... 
How would you rate the length of time it took between making your appointment and the visit you just had?

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* 10. Thinking about your most recent visit.... 
Thinking about the MAIN health care provider you spoke with during the visit, how would you rate your overall experience?