Applications for our 2024 Board of Directors will be accepted from February 19, 2024 through February 29, 2024.
General Board expectations include:
Minimum of 2 year Board of Director term with renewal ability
Potential in person attendance at annual Board meeting each year.
Virtual attendance to Monthly Board Meetings throughout the year.
And last but not least.....
Share your passion for helping the underprivileged transgender,
nonbinary and two-spirit youth throughout our community.
We are especially interested in diverse Board members with some of the following skills and experiences:
Fundraising connections or experience
Financial oversight
Human Resources
Relationships with foundations and corporate entities
Local community connections to media, business, etc.
Candidates do not need to be local to the local Tampa Bay, Florida area.
We strongly encourage applications and inquiries from transgender individuals, people of color, members of the LGBTQIA2S+ community, and other marginalized populations.
Candidates will be informed of the decision in March 2024.