Your ideas for where and when to meet for monthly North Star Gathering!

Hey folks:
We need your ideas on how we can make our monthly Village Gatherings successful.  Please take a few minutes to answer the questions below.  We'll let you know the results in our next North Star Tidings e-newsletter.


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* 1. What evening (5:30 - 7:30 pm) of the week do you think we should hold our monthly North Star Village Gatherings so we can continue to build our community?  Please choose any/all days that would work for you.

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* 2. Do you have a preference for having the monthly Gathering in a specific week?

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* 3. North Star wants to have our monthly Gatherings throughout our Village service area (21 neighborhoods).  Do you have ideas of places where we can come together for a few hours?

What makes for an good  "outstanding pub" location?  1) Relatively quiet (no loud music).  2) Moveable tables so we can gather together.  3) Good food and drink at "reasonable" prices.  4) Accessible by public transport (bus or Max-line)  5) Friendly service.

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* 4. Is there something that discourages you from joining us at a monthly Village Gathering?  Please let us know.