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Helena Township is committed to improving the quality of life for our residents and providing a safe and enjoyable environment for all, now and into the future.

The Helena Township Parks and Recreation Committee is offering this survey to provide a format for gaining your insights and priorities as we work to develop a new five-year Parks and Recreation plan.  The five-year plan is important because it is the minimum requirement for the township to submit grant applications with the State of Michigan's Department of Natural Resources (DNR) allowing the community to potentially receive funding in support of the key initiatives outlined in the five-year plan.  DNR funding has played a key role in park improvements throughout our township.  Your input on this survey will provide us the information we need to address the current and future community park and recreation needs for our residents and visitors.

Please help us ensure we capture your most sincere opinions by answering  all the questions to the best of your ability.  Your responses are anonymous, unless you would like to provide your contact information at the end of the survey, so you can feel comfortable providing your most candid feedback.  Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.  Let's begin the survey now...

Question Title

* 1. Please check the living situation that best describes you.

Question Title

* 2. Please tell us the number of persons living in your household, including yourself, who are:

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Under Age 10
Age 10-19
Age 20-24
Age 25-34
Age 35-44
Age 45-54
Age 55-64
Age 65+

Question Title

* 3. Please select the ways you learn about Helena Township Parks and Recreation programs, activities, and resources.  Please select all that apply.

Question Title

* 4. Please indicate on each row the box that best indicates how important each resource is to you/your family.

  Not Familiar Not Important No Opinion (Neutral) Important Very Important
Coy Mountain Preserve and Walking Trail    
Depot Park
Tennis Court Park
Ball Diamond Park
Helena Twp. Community Center
Harbor & Harbor Park
Public Road End Lake Accesses

Question Title

* 5. Please Indicate how often you have used these resources in the last 12 months.

  Not Familiar Never 1-3 Times 4-6 Times 7-10 Times > 10 Times
Coy Mountain Preserve & Walking Trail
Depot Park
Tennis Court Park
Ball Diamond Park
Helena Twp. Community Center
Harbor & Harbor Park
Public Road End Lake Accesses

Question Title

* 6. When you think about your experience at any of Helena Township's park resources, what suggestions would you make to improve the community, parks, trails, and/or lake accesses that you utilized.  Please skip this question and proceed to question 8 if you have not utilized any of the Helena Township parks/recreation resources.

Question Title

* 7. Please indicate your opinion of the condition and maintenance for each of the following resources.

  Not Familiar Poor Below Average Average Above Average Excellent
Coy Mountain Preserve & Walking Trail
Depot Park
Tennis Court Park
Ball Diamond Park
Helena Twp. Community Center
Harbor & Harbor Park
Public Road End Lake Accesses

Question Title

* 8. Indicate your level of agreement with each of the following hypothetical actions to improve our park system.

  Strongly Disagree Disagree No Opinion (Neutral) Agree Strongly Agree
Acquiring land for future parks and/or open spaces
Re-developing/upgrading existing parks to support a broader range of activities
Better maintenance of existing parks and facilities
Provide recreation programs and activities
Develop new trails
No additional parks or changes to current resources are needed.

Question Title

* 9. Do you support the development of a recreational trail system in Helena Township?

Question Title

* 10. If you support the development of a trail system, what type of trail(s) should have the highest priority in Helena Township?  Please select your top TWO (2) choices.

Question Title

* 11. Which groups do you believe are under-served by our current recreation resources and/or programs?  Please select all that apply.

Question Title

* 12. When you visit our parks, trails, and/or lake accesses, what activities do you participate in.  Please select all that apply.

Question Title

* 13. What are the recreation facilities/resources you would MOST like to see added in Helena Township to meet the needs of the members of your household?  Please select all that apply.

Question Title

* 14. What are the most important priorities Helena Township Parks and Recreation should consider when providing services to our residents.  Please select the THREE (3) most important.

Question Title

* 15. During the past 5 years, your Helena Township Parks and Recreation Committee has discussed and in some cases acted on, various projects for our parks.  Please indicate below whether you support, do not support, or have no opinion about each project.

  Support Don't Support No Opinion
We created a master plan for Ball Park that includes some of the projects listed below.
Expand the parking area In Ball Park with a rain garden to control water runoff from parking lot.
Install a handicap accessible pathway from the parking area to a new viewing platform by the lake at Ball Park.
Build a sand beach with play area back from water's edge at Ball Park.
New picnic area at Ball Park with a pavilion and accessible tables.
Restore the ball diamond at Ball Park with new backstop, bleachers, repair dugout roof, and level and recondition the infield.
At Ball Park, install a flag pole and flag, and develop the Southend of the park for general activities (bocce ball, corn hole, etc.)
Expand Coy Mountain Preserve through the acquisition of additional land.
Add a handicap accessible parking area and pathway at Coy Mountain Preserve.
Leave Coy Mountain Preserve as a natural area only removing trees for safety reasons.
Make Depot Park a truly accessible park so that all areas of the park can be accessed by persons with disabilities.
Expand the pavilion in Tennis Court Park.
Build two (2) new pickleball courts on the lower level of Tennis Court Park next to the basketball court.
Add property for more trails for walking/biking/hiking.

Question Title

* 16. Please provide any additional information, opinions, or comments related to Helena Township's Parks and Recreation resources (parks, trails, lake accesses and related facilities and activities) and/or the direction and priorities of the parks and recreation committee

Question Title

* 17. (Optional)  I would like to be contacted about:

Question Title

* 18. (Optional)  If you would like to be contacted regarding this survey, your survey responses, or future surveys, focus groups or Parks and Recreation Committee participation, please complete the following:


On behalf of the Helena Township Board and the Parks and Recreation Committee members, we sincerely THANK YOU for your participation in the Helena Township Parks and Recreation Survey!

Please join us for a COMMUNITY PUBLIC FORUM to discuss this survey and gain further insights and comments relating to Helena Township's Parks and Recreation activities.  The forum is intended to be scheduled in October, so be on the lookout in the local paper, postings around the township, and our website for the date and location details.  We look forward to seeing you soon!
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