Family Satisfaction Survey Question Title * 1. I was contacted by a worker quickly after the initial inquiry. Completely disagree Completely agree Completely disagree Completely agree Question Title * 2. I found the worker knowledgeable. Question Title * 3. The service I received met my needs and I feel better about my situation after having talked to the worker. Completely disagree Completely agree Completely disagree Completely agree Question Title * 4. I felt like my family and I mattered to the worker and the agency. Completely disagree Completely agree Completely disagree Completely agree Question Title * 5. I believe U.P. KIDS/PARC is a beneficial program for adoptive families and I would recommend services to families in need. Completely disagree Completely agree Completely disagree Completely agree Question Title * 6. I would use U.P. Kids/PARC services again. Completely disagree Completely agree Completely disagree Completely agree Question Title * 7. Did you use the U.P. KIDS website? Yes No Question Title * 8. If you answered yes to question 9, was the website helpful? Yes No Question Title * 9. Approximately how many contacts (in person, phone, email, or text) did you have with the worker? Question Title * 10. Please add any comments you have regarding services and/or any problems or needs that may not have been addressed: Done