Big Sky Gala Follow-Up

We successfully hosted the Big Sky Blue and Gold Gala the past two years and we would like to hear your thoughts and feedback. We are looking for everyone's feedback! Whether you attended, why you didn't attend, your experience, etc. Our goal is to improve this every year and we would love your input. Please share your thoughts in this short 3-5 minute anonymous survey. Thanks! The Big Sky Gala Team
1.What time of year is the best time for you to attend the event and support Big Sky High School?
2.Did you attend the Blue and Gold Gala this year?
3.What impacts your ability to attend the Gala?
4.What did you like most about the Gala?
5.What did you like least about the Gala?
6.Are you interested in donating a silent auction item, financial help or assisting with planning for next year? Please share your contact information below with your preferred choice and we will reach out to you. Thank you!