Homes NSW - Gosford Office Location

Have your say!

The Gosford Office is moving to a new location. Homes NSW is under the impression staff are happy with this move. We are hearing different. We would love to hear your thoughts, concerns in regards to the relocation of the Gosford office so that we can discuss at the next JCC.
1.Are you aware of the office relocation?

Have you been supplied with the change Plan?

Are you fully aware of the requirements for booking/using Agile desks?

Are you happy with the new location?

Do you have any feedback regarding disability workers in this change?

Do you have any feedback regarding clients and access to the new location?

Do you have any feedback about the parking at the new location?

Do you feel the consultation has been adequate?

Were you provided with the consultation survey feedback?
10.Any other comments, concerns or issues you would like raised
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered