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Complete all questions listed on this test before selecting the “Submit” button. Choose the multiple choice answer that best completes the statement or answers the question. There is only one correct answer for each question listed on the test.

You may certify as a speech judge for the Regional Qualifying and State Tournament, or the State Festival, or both. Please refer to the current CHSAA Speech and Debate Handbook and/or Festival Bulletin for the rules governing each event.

Judges must be a critic at a minimum of one tournament during the regular season. Certification tests must be completed before judging at the Regional Qualifying, State Tournament, and State Festival competitions.

All Judges Must Answer Questions 1-52
If you wish to certify in additional areas, please answer the appropriate questions: 

Regional Qualifying & State Tournament Judges:
                Cross Examination Debate

State Festival Judges:
                Creative Storytelling
                Impromptu Speaking
                One-on One Value Debate

Question Title

* 1. Name

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* 2. School

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* 3. Email Address

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* 4. What is the role and/or responsibility of a judge?

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* 5. CHSAA rules apply to the Regional Qualifying, State Tournament, and the State Festival competitions.

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* 6. To promote a safe and equitable competitive environment, the Speech community has adopted an inclusion statement. This statement applies to:

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* 7. Oral critiques are NOT allowed in either debate or speech events

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* 8. Judges should NOT discuss any student’s performance, debate case or strategies with coaches, students or other critics during a tournament.

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* 9. Speakers in speech events should speak in the order in which they are scheduled, unless indicated by the tournament director.

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* 10. Students are expected to engage in ethical behavior in the round and be courteous observers and competitors.

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* 11. Electronic retrieval devices are allowed in rounds of competition where scripts and files are permitted. Which of the following rules govern the use of electronic retrieval devices?

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* 12. Observers are allowed, but they may not use any electronic devices, including but not limited to computers, iPads, tablets, cameras, cell phones, video/audio recording equipment. Observers may NOT take notes in debate. Flowing and note taking is permitted only for the debaters in the round and for the critic(s).

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* 13. Students are expected to be on time to all rounds.

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* 14. If a student arrives to your round and his/her code is not listed, you should add him to your ballot and judge him/her.

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* 15. Timing: Which of the following are required timing rules at the Regional Qualifying, State Tournament, and State Festival competitions?


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* 16. In Extemporaneous Speaking, one notecard is allowed.

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* 17. In Extemporaneous Speaking, the speaker shall present his/her topic slip to the judge and shall speak on the topic chosen.

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* 18. In Extemporaneous speaking, there is no minimum time, but the speaker may not exceed 7 minutes and a 30-second grace period.


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* 19. In Original Oratory, props or visual aids may be utilized.

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* 20. In Original Oratory, an orator holding a manuscript or notes will be ranked last.

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* 21. In Original Oratory, the oration may not contain more than 150 words of quoted material.

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* 22. In Original Oratory, there is no minimum time limit, but a speaker may not exceed 10 minutes and a 30-second grace period.


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* 23. The Informative speech may not contain more than 150 words of quoted material.

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* 24. A student may use visual aids in Informative Speaking.

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* 25. In Informative Speaking, there is no minimum time limit, but a speaker may not exceed 10 minutes and a 30-second grace period.


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* 26. In interpretation of literature, deletions of words from the original source may be made, but words may be added only for transitional purposes.

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* 27. In Interpretation of literature, there is no minimum time limit, but a speaker may not exceed 10 minutes and a 30-second grace period.

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* 28. In interpretation of literature, if the competitor uses a teaser from the selection before the introduction, that teaser is part of the selection and is subject to the rules of the event.

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* 29. In interpretation of literature singing is allowed.

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* 30. ​In interpretation of literature, the competitor must provide an introduction that adequately identifies the title and author of the source(s).

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* 31. In Duo Interpretation, each speaker ​must​ portray one or more characters during the presentation.

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* 32. In Duo Interpretation, competitors may pivot side-to-side or turn around, change places, go to the ground, stand with one behind the other, or otherwise move and suggest changes in relationships.

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* 33. In Duo Interpretation, the speakers may not make eye contact with each other or make physical contact with each other in any way, except during the introduction.

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* 34. In Duo Interpretation, narration may be presented by one or both speakers.

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* 35. In Program Oral Interpretation (POI), a student must have a manuscript when they are presenting their program.

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* 36. In Program Oral Interpretation (POI), a student will use literature from at least two of the three genres (Prose, Poetry, and Drama) in a thematically-linked program.

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* 37. In Program Oral Interpretation (POI), the use of a manuscript during the performance is required. Common practices include the use of a binder or folder. The intact manuscript may be used by the contestant as a prop, so long as it remains in the contestant's control at all times. No costumes or props other than the manuscript are permitted. The contestant must address the script; however, introduction and transitional material may be memorized.


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* 38. In all debate events except Congressional Debate:

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* 39. In all debate events, contestants are expected to, at a minimum, orally deliver the following when introducing evidence in a debate round: primary author’s name (last) and year of publication. Should two or more quotations be used from the same source, the author and year must be given orally only for the first piece of evidence from that source. Subsequently, only the author’s name is required. The full written citation must be provided if requested by an opponent or judge.

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* 40. In all debate events except Congressional Debate, both teams are responsible for directly responding to arguments made by their opponents

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* 41. In all debate events except Congressional Debate, new evidence may be introduced in rebuttals.


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* 42. In Public Forum Debate, the format for the debate is as follows:

Constructive speeches
Team A Speaker 1- 4 minutes
Team B Speaker 1- 4 minutes
Crossfire A1 & B1- 3 minutes
Team A Speaker 2- 4 minutes
Team B Speaker 2- 4 minutes
Crossfire A2 & B2- 3 minutes

Summary speeches
Team A Speaker 1- 2 min.
Team B Speaker 1- 2 min.
Grand Crossfire (all speakers)- 3 min
Final focus speeches: Team A Speaker 2- 2 min.
Team B Speaker 2- 2 min.

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* 43. In Public Forum Debate, prior to the round, in the presence of the judge(s), a coin is tossed by one team and called by the other team. The team winning the flip may choose one of two options EITHER: The SIDE of the topic to defend (pro or con) OR the SPEAKING POSITION they wish to have (begin or end the debate). Once the coin toss winners select their favored option, the other team makes a choice within the remaining option and the debate begins.

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* 44. In Public Forum Debate, each team has a total of _____ minutes of prep time.


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* 45. In Lincoln-Douglas Debate, the format is as follows: 
Affirmative 6-minute constructive  
Negative 3-minute cross examination 
Negative 7-minute constructive 
Affirmative 3-minute cross examination 
Affirmative 4-minute rebuttal 
Negative 6-minute rebuttal 
Affirmative 3-minute rebuttal 

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* 46. In Lincoln-Douglas Debate, each team has a total of _____ minutes of prep time.

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* 47. In Lincoln-Douglas Debate, the focus is more philosophical than policy debate and has less emphasis on evidence than policy debate.


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* 48. In Congressional Debate, the first affirmative and the first negative speeches are each followed by a two-minute questioning period.

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* 49. In Congressional Debate, each judge will assign points at the conclusion of each speech (1-6, 6 is best). The judge should consider both the speech presented and the competitor’s ability to answer questions when scoring the speech.

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* 50. In Congressional Debate, the Presiding Officer does not earn points for the time spent presiding and cannot be ranked in the top 8 at the end of the session.

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* 51. ​At the end of each scorer’s judging commitment, they rank their eight (1-8, 1 is best) most preferred legislators (which may include presiding officers). All other students will receive a rank of 9 for the session.

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* 52. Are you looking to certify as a Tournament Judge, a Festival Judge, or Both?


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* 53. In Cross Examination Debate, the format is as follows: 

Constructive Speeches - 
First Affirmative – 8 minutes 
3-minute cross examination by negative 
First Negative – 8 minutes 
3 minute cross examination by affirmative 
Second Affirmative – 8 minutes 
3 minute cross examination by negative 
Second Negative – 8 minutes 
3 minute cross examination by affirmative 

Rebuttal Speeches- 

First Negative – 5 minutes 
First Affirmative – 5 minutes 
Second Negative – 5 minutes 
Second Affirmative – 5 minutes

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* 54. In Cross Examination Debate, each team has a total of _____ minutes of prep time.

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* 55. In Cross Examination Debate, the affirmative has the burden of proof (meaning the affirmative must prove that the status quo must be changed according to the resolution).

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* 56. In Cross Examination Debate, the negative has the presumption (meaning the current system, or status quo, is “innocent unless proven guilty” by the affirmative).

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* 57. In Cross Examination Debate, there is no prescription for organization of the affirmative or negative cases. Arguments may be presented in any reasonable order.


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* 58. In One-on-One Value Debate, the format is as follows:
Affirmative 6-minute constructive 
Negative 3-minute cross examination 
Negative 7-minute constructive 
Affirmative 3-minute cross examination 
Affirmative 4-minute rebuttal 
Negative 6-minute rebuttal 
Affirmative 3-minute rebuttal

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* 59. In One-on-One Value Debate, each team has a total of _____ minutes of prep time.

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* 60. In One-on-One Value Debate, the affirmative debater must identify and support the values suggested by the resolution of value. The affirmative must also fulfill the burden of clash by opposing the values supported by the negative.

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* 61. In One-on-One Value Debate, the negative debater must identify and support values and/or a hierarchy of values which are different from those suggested by the resolution of value. The negative must also fulfill the burden of clash by opposing the affirmative stance.


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* 62. In Creative Storytelling, the competitor shall present his/her topic slip to the judge. Failure to speak on the topic chosen will result in the competitor being ranked last in the round.

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* 63. In Creative Storytelling, no stage accessories may be used in except one chair.


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* 64. In Impromptu Speaking, no reference materials or notes will be allowed during the preparation time. However, speakers may use one 3x5 card for notes to be used while speaking.

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