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* 1. What is the size of your business in gallon production per year?

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* 3. How would you characterize your experience with the Export Program? [Which aspects of the program have you participated in? How has it affected your business? Barriers to participation? What’s been the most effective aspect of the program? What are benefits or drawbacks?]

Your perception of New York Wines competing in the global marketplace:

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* 4. What have you learned about the awareness of NYS wine internationally?

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* 5. Are there ways awareness and reputation could be improved?

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* 6. If you think awareness could be improved, what would you suggest?

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* 7. If you have experience with the following, please give us your feedback on our marketing and brand presence at international and domestic trade shows, in print publications, and in point-of-sale materials.

Please give us your feedback and broader input on industry wide marketing tactics:

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* 8. What have you seen other regions do that you think is impactful?

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* 9. How has the industry changed? How has the marketing climate changed?

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* 10. Do you have a specific perspective on emerging marketing tactics such as social media and partnerships with influencers?

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* 11. How can the NYWGF better support you in being export ready? What are they doing well to assist your export business? What more could they do?