
The Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission (MWMC) is a regional partnership between the cities of Eugene and Springfield and Lane County for maintaining and operating the regional wastewater treatment plant and related facilities that serve Eugene and Springfield.
The MWMC is currently developing a new 20-year Comprehensive Facilities Plan which is anticipated to be finalized in 2025. The last plan was created in 2004. The new plan will include an evaluation of the current conditions of our regional wastewater facilities, and identify needed upgrades and future facility construction to occur as our area's population grows. It will also identify opportunities to expand or implement new programs that will help meet and serve the needs of ratepayers while protecting the environment.

This survey is focused on community considerations in developing our next 20-year Facilities Plan. We value community input and will consider your responses as we evaluate the key needs, feasibility, and outcomes of the plan’s recommendations.

The survey has 8 questions and will take about 5 minutes to complete. We appreciate your time in responding. Learn more about this effort at MWMC Facility Planning.