Thank you for your interest in the 30 Under 30 program! To be considered for 2022, nominees must submit this application with CEO approval by Thursday, March 3 at 5:00 PM EDT. For questions, please email David Breisch at

Application Requirements for 2022
  • Candidates must have a birthdate of March 4, 1992 or later.
  • Must presently work for a destination organization, convention and visitors bureau (CVB) or tourism board that is a member of Destinations International as of March 3, 2022.
  • Must have been an employee of a destination organization for at least 1.5 years, with a minimum of six months in your current role (part-time employment and internships included) as of March 3, 2022.
  • Nominees must have President/CEO support to apply for the program.
  • Submissions must include application, high-resolution headshot, resume, short essay and video (see essay and video guidelines below).
  • Only one individual from an organization will be chosen if multiple applicants from the same destination organization are nominated.

Question Title

* 1. First Name

Question Title

* 2. Last Name

Question Title

* 3. Title

Question Title

* 4. Department

Question Title

* 5. Organization

Question Title

* 6. Email Address

Question Title

* 7. Phone Number

Question Title

* 8. Number of Years of Industry Experience

Question Title

* 9. Number of Years With Current Organization (if different than above)

Question Title

* 10. Brief Professional Bio
Bio should be 100 words or less.

Question Title

* 11. Headshot

PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 12. Resume

PDF, DOC, DOCX file types only.
Choose File
Essay Guidelines
The Destinations International Foundation recently issued an advocacy paper on Finding Our Cornerstone. Please answer one of the three following questions in 250 words:
  • What does being a Community Shared Value mean to you?
  • Do you see your current organization as a Community Shared Value? Why or why not?
  • What can you do in your position to help transform your organization into a Community Shared Value?

Question Title

* 13. Essay Response
250 words

Video Guidelines
  • Video submission must be self-produced; we are not looking for professionally produced videos by a marketing agency! Candidates are encouraged to be creative and make their video submission fun and entertaining.
  • Videos must be less than one minute (60 seconds). Content greater than one minute will not be reviewed.
  • Please introduce yourself and answer one of the following questions:
    • As a future destination leader, what focus area(s) do you deem necessary for future success in this competitive marketplace?
    • What is one project you worked on that had a big impact on your organization?
    • How do you envision your role adapting to the next normal in 2022?
  • Please upload your video to YouTube and provide the link below. You may use the "unlisted" setting to ensure that we can view it.

Question Title

* 14. YouTube Link

Question Title

* 15. Date of Birth

Question Title

* 16. Name of CEO Nominator

Question Title

* 17. CEO Approval

Bu submitting this application, I grant Destinations International permission to use my application materials, including my bio, headshot, video and essay question, in industry presentations, marketing materials and member communications.

I also consent to receiving Destinations International member email communications.

I additionally understand that my full application including email address and phone number will be shared with industry partners for the exclusive purpose of 30 Under 30 judging. We will not use your personal contact information for any other reason.