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Media - Law Enforcement First Amendment Survey

The National Press Photographers Association (NPPA) is gathering information about journalists understanding and training related First Amendment protected activity to help improve police-press relations. It is our intention and hope that the information gathered will provide guidance for model policies and training for law enforcement agencies and officers as well as for the media to further mutual respect and understanding for the roles that each play in our democracy. The survey is 10 pages and contains 24 questions.

 This survey was made possible with generous support from the Knight Foundation and the Press Freedom Defense Fund and was formulated by the Free Expression Legal Network (FELN), a nationwide coalition of law school clinics, academics, and practitioners focused on promoting and protecting free speech, free press, and the free flow of information to an informed and engaged citizenry.

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* 1. Are you aware of your First Amendment rights and limitations to cover newsworthy matters in public places as a journalist?

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* 2. Optional: If yes, please describe those rights and limitations as you understand them.

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* 3. Would you be interested in receiving free training on your First Amendment rights and limitations as a journalist?

0 of 24 answered