
The UCD School of Veterinary Medicine is keen to hear your feedback as an employer of our recent MVB graduates. This survey is designed to gather your feedback on your experience of employing a UCD graduate who completed their studies in 2020 or 2021.   
If you have employed more than one recent graduate during this time, please complete a survey for each recent UCD graduate.

Click here to download the participant information sheet. 

Your responses are anonymous and any potentially identifiable information provided will be de-identified. The data will be used to inform developments of the UCD Veterinary Medicine programme and for the self-study reports for external accreditation (VCI, AVMA, EAEVE). This study met the criteria exempting it from full ethical review from the UCD Human Research Ethics Committee - Sciences (Exemption Reference Number LS-E-18-99). The survey should take less than 10 minutes to complete.  

Question Title

1. Consent:
- I have read the participant information sheet and understand the purpose and nature of this research.
- I have had the opportunity to ask questions about the research.
- I understand I can refuse to answer any question without any consequences of any kind.
- I voluntarily agree to participate in this research.