Question Title

* 1. Is this your company's first Southwest Showcase?

Question Title

* 3. Please rate the following:

  Excellent Good Average Poor
The a2z system for reviewing and purchasing your booth online.
Support you received from show management in purchasing your booth.
Support you received from show management in preparing for the expo.
Variety of the sponsorship opportunities.
Pricing of the sponsorship opportunities.
Ordering booth furnishings and services via Freeman’s Exhibitor Service Kit.
Advance booth personnel registration.
Onsite registration experience.
Time allowed for setup and teardown of your booth.
A.M. Keynote: "Connecting the Dots to the Industry’s Future"
Traffic in the exhibit hall.
Quality of the attendees to the expo.
Return on investment for your expo booth.

Question Title

* 4. Luncheon Keynote: Thirty Outrageous Game-Changers To Supercharge Your Event by David DuBois and Steven Hacker

  Excellent Good Average Poor
Food/beverage quality
Time allowed for luncheon
Overall event

Question Title

* 5. What did you like best about the conference?

Question Title

* 6. Is there anything that you feel could be improved about the event?

Question Title

* 7. Overall, how would you rate Southwest Showcase 2016?

  Excellent Good Average Poor Terrible
The conference this year was:

Question Title


Thank you for helping us build a better conference. See you next year!