How did we do this year? Please take our 5-minute survey.

We had a great year with many accomplishments, which could not have been possible without with your support! We have worked hard this year to implement projects identified in the Multimodal Transportation Plan, educate and excite the community about multimodal transportation, and reward smart commuting options. Help us become better than ever in 2018 by sharing what we can improve and what we've done right in this survey!

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* 1. In 2017 did you attend or participate in the any of the following Multimodal Division events or programs? Check all that apply.

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* 2. Overall how would you rate your experience with Multimodal Division events or programs:

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* 3. Which Multimodal Division programs or events are you most likely to attend in 2018? Check all that apply.

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* 4. What is the most effective form of communicating with you? Check all that apply.

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* 5. What information are you most interested in receiving from us? Check all that apply.

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* 6. Are you a Way to Go! Club member?