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Thank you for filling in this anonymous survey about patient information from Myeloma UK. The information you provide will help us improve our information publications so that that we can continue to provide the best service to patients and their families and friends.
If you would like any follow up or responses to your queries, please leave contact details in the final question or email
We may use anonymised responses in our materials.

Question Title

* 1. Which information booklets did you read?

Question Title

* 2. How would you rate our information?

Question Title

* 3. What did you think of our information?

  Extremely Very Fairly A bit Not at all
How informative was the content?
How clear was the language?
How suitable was the level of detail?
How easy was it to understand?
How well did it signpost to further information?
How fully did it answer your questions?
How user-friendly was it?

Question Title

* 4. After reading our information, to what extent did you feel:

  A lot more A bit more No change A bit less A lot less
In control
Equipped to make decisions
Confident speaking to my healthcare team
Able to discuss the diagnosis with my family and friends
Able to live well with the diagnosis

Question Title

* 5. How did you first find out about our information? Please tick all that apply.

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