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Topics:  Rights, UI/MUI/Reporting, Health & Welfare Alert Review, & Abuser Registry Notice

My electronic signature/completion of this survey indicates that I have completed training on Individual Rights, UI/MUI/Reporting, and have reviewed the Health & Welfare Alerts that have been released since the previous year's training. I have also been notified about offenses that could place me on the Abuser Registry and bar me from employment as a DD employee in the state of Ohio.  I have reviewed the self-study training found here:

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* 1. What is your contact information?

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* 2. I agree to uphold the rights of the person/people I support:

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* 3. I have received notice about the Abuser Registry & the qualifying offenses that could place me on the Registry and disqualify me from working in this field.

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* 4. I understand that the following MUIs must be reported within 4 hours per Frontier's policy: 
1. Death from any cause
2. Exploitation
3. Failure to Report
4. Misappropriation
5. Neglect
6. Physical Abuse
7. Prohibited Sexual Relations
8. Rights Code Violation
9. Sexual Abuse
10. Verbal Abuse
11. Attempted Suicide
12. Medical Emergency
13. Missing Individual
14. Peer-to-Peer acts of exploitation, theft valued at over $20. and the following acts that meet the requirements outlined in my training: physical, sexual, verbal
15. Significant Injury
16. Law Enforcement
17. Unanticipated Hospitalization
18. Unapproved Behavioral Support

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* 5. I have reviewed & understand the following Health & Welfare Alerts that have been issued by DODD since the previous year's training (please select all that you have reviewed):

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