Question Title

* 1. I attended today's program...

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* 3. How many of those who participated in today's event with you are children under the age of 18? (Please insert the number)

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* 4. [Family Participants] How many children (under 18 years old) were you able to bring to today's events? (Please insert the number)

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* 8. I gained the following from today's event: (Please check all that apply)

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* 9. What is one thing that you learned or improved upon as a result of this event?

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* 10. As a result of today's programming, how likely are you to participate in future outdoor activities?

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* 11. As a result of today's programming, how likely is your family to participate in future outdoor activities?

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* 12. How likely are you to attend one of Soul Trak's events in the future?

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* 14. Would programs would you like to see from Soul Trak in the future?

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* 15. Please offer any feedback on today’s program with Soul Trak or write a testimonial for today's event: